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Friday, October 7, 2011

Our neck of the woods

Boy has this season turned out to be busy for the Ellzey clan! Dennis is settling into a routine of school/work that keeps both our heads spinning most of the time. I'm really proud of how hard he's working, but especially grateful for the priority he's put on spending time with his family each day.

I had another doctor's appointment on Monday, and it looks like our little peanut is growing nicely! I got to hear a lil' heartbeat and see little hands and feet this time! It's so exciting to be adding to our family, especially now that I'm not too sick to enjoy it!

I'm excited to announce that I'm getting ready to become a cloth diaper consultant, so I'll be ready to host cloth diaper parties of my own and help my friends get started cloth diapering! Izzy and I'll be in New Orleans training today. I've already converted a few friends here!

This week was also my first week of work at the crisis pregnancy center. I'll be there three days a week coordinating volunteers and working the front desk. I feel really grateful to have the opportunity to invest in a place I believe in and be able to have my Izzy with me. The hours are perfect for our family, too, so it just feels like a Godsend.

The weather has been so refreshing lately; I don't think I've ever welcomed fall so excitedly before. I feel like everything should smell like pumpkin and I should be drinking hot drinks all day long. We've been able to leave our windows open and let the fresh air in. It's just so nice.

How about you? How do you welcome fall in your home?

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