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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Happy Birthday to me!

Hi guys! This is a little bit premature, but it's my birthday, so I've decided to share it with you today because I want to. :)

Raising Isabella is moving!

I have been debating over changing the name of this blog since Korban was born. After all, I'm not just raising Isabella anymore, and our family's growing fast! I found a great deal on my own domain name, so as my birthday present to myself, I'd like to introduce you to (drumroll please) - a community designed to inspire moms everywhere to change their world.

It's still under construction, but now that you guys know about it, I'll have more of a fire under me to figure this whole thing out!

If you're wondering about the name, check out my new about page, but know that it's kinda under contruction, too.

All of my old posts will still be here at Raising Isabella, but they're also on my new page, too.

As always, I don't intend for my blog to be exclusive to just moms, but I know what my main audience is, and one of my main goals is empowering moms to reach beyond the role they have imagined for themselves and really impact their spere, because I don't see enough of that.

So, my faithful readers, I'd love your input. What would you like to read about and discuss with the community?

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